The Table Below Shows the Consumer Durables (Telephone, Refrigerator, Etc.) Owned in Britain From 1972 to 1983

The table below shows the consumer durables (telephone, refrigerator, etc.) owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The table below shows the consumer durables (telephone, refrigerator, etc.) owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983

The provided table illustrates durable products like central heating, Television, video, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, washing machines, dishwashers and Telephone by users from Britain. The data is from the period 1972 and 1983.

Overall, the usage of products is directly proportional to time. It is increasing with time.

It is apparent that usage of Television is higher than any other electronic device in 1972 it was 93% till 1983 it fluctuated little in among this year atlastin 1983 Its came to 98%. Meanwhile, the video is in stark contrast. All years have been null, but in 1983 it rose to 18%. After that refrigerator is also seen in use, in 1973 it was 73%, next two years it reached to 81%.however till 1983 it’s backed and forth but at last it reached to 94%. Furthermore, the vacuum cleaner showed good durability in 1973 it was 87%, next two years it Slightly increased To 89% .like this 1976 it became 92%, remained same for four years and in 1982 85% has come. But in 1983, it was null.

Moreover, Central heating was used less in 1973 it was 39% in 2 years it came to 43%. Like this, it increased by 2% till 1983 and came to 64%. Besides dishwasher is on a different boat. Not much used till 1978 it was negligible after that in 1978 it started from 3%. It remained the same till 1979 and increased by 1% in 1981 which is also same in 1982 and in 1983 it again increased to 1%. Likewise, the Telephone also lasted 42% in 1973, and it increased step by step every year and in 1983 its arrived at 77%. In addition, the durability of the washing machine was above average. In 1973,66% was there. And increased in next two years. In 1978 it reached 74, but the next year it decreased by 1%, and in 1983 it was 80% which is a huge development in a decade.

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