The Table Data Below Shows the Top Ten Internet Users by Country in 2019

The table data below shows the top ten Internet users by country in 2019. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The table data below shows the top ten Internet users by country in 2019

Sample Answer of The Table Data Below Shows the Top Ten Internet Users by Country in 2019

The given table depicts the proportion of internet users in the top ten variant countries in the year 2019.

Overall, China was the leading country with the highest number of internet users. However, UK and Japan had the speakest ratio of internet users.

The demographic figures of China in 2019 was around 1.3 billion, out of this half of people where the internet users(50%) which enable China stood at the top of the list in terms of the number of internet users only, additionally India and USA were located second and third position in the table with over 462 million and 286 million respectively. Similar to China, India’s population is around 1.3 billion, and only one third have access to the internet. Whereas, unlike China and India, The USA, Brazil, Japan, Russia, Germany and UK can observe a trend that the total number of both population and internet users in each country had no significant differences. Which in turn leads, UK and Japan had the highest ratio of internet users with 92 and 91 per cent respectively.

USA and Germany occupied the third and fourth position with 80 per cent of internet users in the total proportion. Whereas Mexico was located at the bottom of the table, which had only 58 billion internet users but which shows less than half of the total population had access to the internet.

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