Describe An Important Thing You Learned, Not At School Or College

Describe an important thing you learned, not at school or college

  • When did you learn it?
  • How did you learn it
  • Why did you think it was important to learn it
  • How you felt when you learnt it

Sample 1 Describe An Important Thing You Learned, Not At School Or College

An invaluable skill I acquired outside the conventional educational framework is video editing. I started learning this skill about three years ago, fueled by a growing interest in content creation and digital storytelling.

My learning journey was self-driven and primarily online. I utilized a wide array of online resources, including tutorial videos on platforms like YouTube, free courses offered by websites such as Coursera, and forums where enthusiasts and professionals shared their insights. I started with basic editing software like Windows Movie Maker before gradually transitioning to more sophisticated programs like Adobe Premiere Pro. I practiced consistently, starting with simple projects before moving onto more complex ones.

The reason I deemed learning video editing important lies in its relevance in today’s digital age. As a content creator, it allows me to effectively communicate stories, ideas, and messages. It enhances my creativity and enables me to present content in a more engaging and visually appealing manner. Moreover, with the increasing demand for video content in various sectors, having these skills can open up numerous professional opportunities.

The process of learning video editing was challenging yet rewarding. It felt overwhelming initially, given the multitude of tools and techniques involved. However, as I gradually started creating content, I experienced a sense of fulfillment and joy. Each completed project boosted my confidence and made me eager to learn more. Today, video editing is not only a valuable skill for me but also a creative outlet that allows me to express myself and connect with a global audience.

Sample 2 Describe An Important Thing You Learned, Not At School Or College

A significant skill I acquired outside of my formal education is photography, which I started learning about two years ago. The desire to capture and preserve the beauty of fleeting moments ignited this journey for me.

My initial lessons in photography came from the internet. Online platforms like YouTube and Skillshare provided an array of tutorials on various aspects of photography, from understanding the basics of a DSLR camera to mastering the art of composition and lighting. I also joined a local photography club where I had the opportunity to learn from experienced photographers and participate in photo walks, which proved invaluable for practical experience.

Learning photography seemed crucial to me for several reasons. On a personal level, it offered a creative outlet to express myself and see the world from different perspectives. Professionally, with the surge in digital media and content creation, it became a highly sought-after skill. Additionally, it opened doors to a wide array of opportunities, including freelance projects, event photography, and even photojournalism.

The journey of learning photography was an exhilarating experience. It was daunting initially, especially grappling with technical aspects like shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. But with each photograph I took, I saw an improvement, and that was immensely gratifying. The thrill of capturing a moment just as I envisioned is a feeling that words struggle to encapsulate. Photography has since become more than just a hobby; it’s a passion that continually encourages me to explore and appreciate the world around me.

Follow ups of Describe An Important Thing You Learned, Not At School Or College

Question 1 What do children learn from their parents? 

Answer – Children learn a multitude of valuable lessons from their parents. They acquire fundamental life skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making, through observation and guidance. Parents impart moral values, cultural traditions, and social norms, shaping their children’s character and worldview. They also teach practical skills, including self-care, household tasks, and basic financial management. Moreover, children learn emotional regulation, empathy, and social interaction from their parents’ modeling of behavior and communication styles. Overall, parents play a crucial role in providing children with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the world.

Question 2 Are some children well-behaved because of their parents?

Answer –Yes, some children exhibit well-behaved behavior due to the influence of their parents. Parenting styles, discipline techniques, and the establishment of clear boundaries and expectations can significantly impact a child’s behavior. Parents who provide consistent discipline, positive reinforcement, and effective communication create an environment that promotes good behavior and moral values. Additionally, parental role modeling, nurturing relationships, and the cultivation of empathy and respect contribute to the development of well-behaved children. However, it is important to recognize that individual temperament, peer influence, and external factors also play a role in shaping a child’s behavior.

Question 3 Is it necessary for adults to learn new things?

Yes, it is necessary for adults to continue learning and acquiring new skills. Learning new things helps adults stay intellectually engaged, adaptable, and relevant in an ever-changing world. It promotes personal growth, boosts self-confidence, and enhances employability. Additionally, continuous learning fosters critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a broader perspective. It enables adults to stay abreast of advancements in their fields, cultivate new interests, and maintain a curious and open mindset. Lifelong learning is crucial for personal development, career advancement, and overall well-being in the dynamic landscape of the modern world.

Question 4 What are the options for learning new things?

There are various options for learning new things. Traditional educational institutions, such as schools and universities, offer formal courses and degrees. Online platforms provide a wealth of resources, including e-learning platforms, video tutorials, and virtual classrooms. Community centers, libraries, and adult education programs offer workshops and classes. Additionally, books, podcasts, and documentaries provide self-paced learning opportunities. Mentoring, apprenticeships, and professional development programs offer hands-on learning experiences. Language exchanges, cultural immersion, and travel can also foster learning. Ultimately, individuals have a range of options to choose from, catering to their preferences, availability, and desired areas of learning.

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