The Diagrams Below Show the Changes that Have Taken Place at West Park Secondary School Since Its Construction in 1950

The diagrams below show the changes that have taken place at west park Secondary school since its construction in 1950. SUmmarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant,

The diagrams below show the changes that have taken place at west park Secondary school since its construction in 1950

The map illustrates the transformation that has occurred in west park secondary school every 30years since construction.

There have been great changes from the west part Secondary school since construction in 1950. Overall, there is no change in the space occupied as the main road over this period equally playground did not go through any change in over 30years but had about 40% of it scape used as Sports field in 2010.

On the whole, in 1950 the houses at the developed to the car park and science block while farmland was converted to the sports field in 1980—the school place since construction was used as main buildings for the school only in the next 30years.

On the other hand, the map had significant development in the next 60years since construction in 1950. The car park which covers almost all the space on the right side was an area used as houses and farmland in 1950. The science block and main school buildings in 1980 did not have any transformation in another 30years, but the sports field was shifted to the right bottom corner a took part of the playground in 2010.

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